令和6年度 道市連携海外展開推進事業


≪FREE Job-Hunting EVENT≫IT Job Fair in Hokkaido UNIV for International people! (Organized by Sapporo City&Hokkaido)


北海道の中で、ITの会社(かいしゃ)で働(はたら)きたい!/I want to work for an IT company in Hokkaido!
ITではない会社(かいしゃ)で、IT関係(かんけい)の仕事(しごと)がしたい!/I would like to work for a non-IT company in the IT field!
そんな外国人(がいこくじん)のみなさん、ぜひご参加(さんか)ください!/If you are such a foreigner, please join us!

You can go at any time you want and leave at any time you want (from 1PM to 4PM).
Get a 500 yen gift when you participate on the day of the event,+500 yen gift if you visit 5 or more booths on the day of the event and listen to a presentation.(Max ¥1,000 gift)

You will hear from a variety of IT-related companies, from start-ups to large firms!

技術・人文知識・国際業務(Engineer /Specialist in Humanities / International Services)特定活動(Designated Activities)46号などで採用(さいよう)する予定(よてい)の企業(きぎょう)が15社(しゃ)参加(さんか)します!
Companies planning to hire under the status of residence of Engineer /Specialist in Humanities / International Services or Designated Activities will participate.

日時(にちじ)/Date and Time2024/12/18(Wed)  1PM-4PM
会場(かいじょう)/Venue北海道(ほっかいどう)大学(ほっかいどうだいがく)(だいがく) クラーク(くらーく)会館(かいかん)(かいかん) 大集会室(だいしゅうかいしつ)(だいしゅうかいしつ)1(1)・2
スケジュール/Schedule12:45 Open
13:00 Start of the Job fair
16:30 Closing
何時(なんじ)に来(き)てもOK/You can go at any time you want.
何時(なんじ)に帰(かえ)ってもOK/You can leave at any time you want.
ギフト/Gift条件付(じょうけんつき)で最大(さいだい)¥1,000 Gift
Get¥1,000 Gift (with conditions)!
参加(さんか)対象者(さんかたいしょうしゃ)/Eligible personInternational people who would like to work in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
2025 & 2026 graduates and former graduates are encouraged to apply!
参加企業(さんかきぎょう)/Participating CompaniesComing soon…

キャリアバンク株式会社 海外事業部(Career Bank Co., Ltd  International Division


わせ はこちら
